Medical Conferences are Keeping Out the People They Need Most

This spring, some of you beautiful souls helped me achieve a HUGE professional goal: attending the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Conference annual conference. It was an amazing learning experience and I am still parsing through some of the new medical content I greedily absorbed during 3 days of intense learning.  But in some ways, the journey to ACOG was as informative as the conference itself. Some of you know from my social media presence that getting to this…

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Intimate Health Consulting is profiled in The Establishment!

Intimate Health Consulting takes center stage in this article by Case Quinlan in The Establishment about the need for culturally competent, sensitive care for LGBT people, sex workers, and survivors of sexual assault. “In a webinar released last October, Palmisano, who identifies as queer, explained how pleasure-centered sex education can reduce HIV, STIs, and unplanned pregnancies. In the webinar, she first encourages health care providers to drop their assumptions — about how many partners and encounters is “appropriate,” for example — and to move…

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