IHC news

Intimate Health Consulting is profiled in The Establishment!

Intimate Health Consulting takes center stage in this article by Case Quinlan in The Establishment about the need for culturally competent, sensitive care for LGBT people, sex workers, and survivors of sexual assault. “In a webinar released last October, Palmisano, who identifies as queer, explained how pleasure-centered sex education can reduce HIV, STIs, and unplanned pregnancies. In the webinar, she first encourages health care providers to drop their assumptions — about how many partners and encounters is “appropriate,” for example — and to move…

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Why A Small MD Town Freaked Out About Sex Ed

A Sex Educator Offered to Teach Free Classes at Maryland Libraries… and Conservatives Freaked Out A couple of months ago, sex educator Bianca Palmisano decided to give back to her community. Instead of just helping healthcare providers understand issues relating to sexual health, she offered a handful of free classes at local libraries in southern Maryland. Soooooo….this happened. I’ll be providing my own statement on the issue soon, but for now, I’m thankful that The Friendly Atheist wanted to give…

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We’re in the news! But it’s not pretty.

Sex education class a no-go in Southern Maryland Southern Marylanders are divided about the controversial topic of sex education. Several local public libraries had initially planned to host sexual education classes, but strong opposition from residents about the sex educator and her motives forced the libraries to cancel the events. Unfortunately, opponents of comprehensive sex ed have triumphed in Southern Maryland, causing our classes in St. Mary’s and Charles County to be cancelled. Are you frustrated? We sure are. But…

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