Intimate Health Consulting offers a variety of custom designed services to meet your need as a clinician and upgrade your entire team's skills.
1-on-1 shadowing and coaching sessions
- • Packages for 5, 10, or 20 hours of support at your facility, on your schedule- perfect for busy clinicians
- • Bring our consultants to your facility to directly observe your interactions with patients
- • Receive personalized feedback on your procedural and patient counseling skills, including sexual history taking, pelvic exams, prostate biopsies, and STI testing/treatment
- • Troubleshoot difficult patient scenarios you've experienced in the past to see how your next encounter could be different!

Staff training for your team or department
- • Bring our consultants in for a Grand Rounds presentation
- • Offer a "skills day" for your residents to practice techniques with our standardized patients
- • Book a custom webinar or workshop for your monthly Education Day or Journal Club
Professional Development and Program Planning
- • Develop clinical and patient education materials for a new department program, like a Gender-Affirming Care clinic
- • Evaluate and revise your clinic intake paperwork or hospital discharge materials
- • Create an onboarding plan for new clinicians to orient them to specialty programing
- • Host department-wide diversity and sensitivity trainings that don't suck
Click here for a list of our available classes or contact us directly to create a custom experience.
Medstar Montgomery Medical Center
Eye-opening… Boundary pushing in a great way! We need more like this.”
“Bianca has a lighthearted approach to explaining a topic that typically people are intimidated by, because they don't want to say the wrong thing.”
“Bianca is young, funny, relatable, and more importantly provided factual information without trying to tiptoe around the answers on birth control and STDs. The focus of the class was that we should practice abstinence until we are older but also be prepared and armed with information on safety and understand consent.
We learned more about anatomy, disease transmission, abstinence, healthy/unhealthy relationships, and safety in two hours than I have learned in an entire semester of health in high school.”
“Bianca’s trainings on LGBT cultural competency were invaluable to our agency. Though we like to think of our staff as open and accepting, Bianca helped us realize that there was so much more we could be doing to support our LGBT clients. She made sure that the training was relevant to our specific concerns as service providers and gave us actionable recommendations for revising paperwork, providing better service, and making our language more inclusive.”
“Throughout 2014, Bianca worked with our staff to develop programming about sexual health for the homeless and at-risk young people that visited our Before30 program. Her knowledge of critical issues like dating and intimate partner violence, reproductive care, and LGBT competency were invaluable to staff and clients alike. Moreover, her friendly and accessible presentation style made it easy for clients to trust her; she built rapport quickly and was able to have important conversations with our young clients. I would highly recommend her mentoring and training services to anyone interested in providing better service around sexual health."
“I have attended so many trainings where the second it is over, I go back to regular life and don’t seek out the chance to apply what was discussed. With Bianca’s presentation, I learned so many applicable things for my professional and personal life. I immediately tweaked the way in which I talk to patients about their sexual health. I hope to have Bianca back to our health center in the future!”
Why does sexual health education matter to my patients?

The hesitancy of doctors and their patients to discuss issues of sexual performance and enjoyment has cascading effects in sexual health diagnosis and treatment. Delays in seeking treatment attributed to embarrassment or discomfort range from 6 months (US, penile cancer) to 36 months (UK, erectile dysfunction), despite the widespread belief that medical care would be beneficial (Skeppner et. al, 2012).
Provider education and proactive intervention pays dividends for patients by:
- • Addressing sexual functioning in post-operative and post-treatment counseling
- • Providing culturally sensitive information for STI testing and birth control
- • Improving the referral process to specialists in pelvic pain and sex therapy
- • Creating medical environments that are sensitive to the trauma needs of sexual assault survivors
- Growing trust and rapport between provider and patient