Start a Dialogue with Your Community Today!
Are you an outreach coordinator, president of a student organization, PTA leader, or just someone passionate about sex ed?
Intimate Health Consulting offers sex education workshops for community groups, private events, conferences, non-profits, and other educational organizations regularly. We work with organizations of all sizes and budgets to create an experience that's right for your group's style and learning needs.
Reach out today to start planning a custom workshop experience to meet your community’s needs.

Take a look at our workshop list!
Yes…Sir? Exploring Domination and Submission:
Rihanna told us we could be bad, but are we perfectly good at it? If you’re curious about bringing some spice to your relationship, let’s talk D/s: Domination and submission. Whether you’re looking to renegotiate an existing relationship, start a new one, or bring some power play to the bedroom for one night, we’ll talk about how you can incorporate D/s responsibly and ethically into your life. We’ll go over basic terms like Dom/Domme, sub, slave, & master, and explore why these roles can be so exciting, as well as how to introduce these ideas to a new partner.
Different Strokes: Spanking and Beyond
Someone’s been very naughty this weekend, and a traditional spanking just won’t do it. Whether you’re using floggers, paddles, whips, or singletails, impact play is an exciting way to creatively use pain and sensation in your sex life. In this workshop, we’ll talk about:
- • basic safety information about impact play
- • creating different sensations
- • tools you can use (including some DIY ones!)
- • and maybe even give you a chance to try a few practice swings…
Come explore and find out for yourself if you prefer more “sting” or “thud.”
Beyond the Binary- Playing with Gender:
We live in a world where our perceived gender defines so many expectations about the way we dress, act, and live. Gender play allows us to redefine and subvert our rigid understanding of gender and create new rules that make us feel sexy and empowered. We’ll discuss:
- • The basics: what is gender and what terms do we use to talk about it?
- • How do we respect gender as a personal identity?
- • How do we ethically play with gender presentation, power, and roles?
Whether you personally identify outside of the gender binary, you’re looking for a primer on explaining gender identity and expression, or your curious about how to re-shape gender in your personal life and in play, we’ll talk doing it all ethically and responsibly.
Chair to Dance? A Chair Play Workout
A kitchen chair will never look the same again! Chair play incorporates burlesque moves, aerobic dance, and an intense core workout to create a fun, sexy routine to make you feel great (and maybe to perform for someone special). Join us for an intense workout that will get you feeling your own groove, regardless of previous dance experience, gender, or age.
**Individuals with limited mobility may find this class challenging. Please email Bianca with questions.**
Show Me How You Burlesque!
Join us as we learn the art of the tease! Before there were strip clubs, Burlesque was the ultimate in erotic entertainment. Come learn how humor, striptease, attitude and beautiful bodies come together to make an exciting performance. We’ll create our own burlesque personas, learn some classic burlesque moves, and string together a routine where everyone is the star! This class is open to students of any age, gender, or mobility who want to bring out their inner performer. We will provide props and accessories, but please bring a sweater or extra layer of clothing to play with!
**There will be no nudity in this class**
The Story of O:
When Harry Met Sally showed us how to fake it in bed or over a turkey sandwich, but what about the orgasm we’re actually chasing? In this workshop, we’ll discuss how orgasms can feel for different people and run the BS meter over some examples of orgasms in porn, popular movies, and music videos. We’ll also look at ways of thinking about orgasm differently, including an introduction to tantric breathing exercises, gigglegasms, and much more!
Kinky Blues Dancing
We all know the Tango is seductive, but what about that down and dirty blues music? Bianca’s signature workshop is an introduction to blues dancing, a free-form partner dance that focuses on rhythm and improvisation, done to good ol-fashioned blues music. Join us and learn the basic blues step and some fun spins. Then we’ll crank it up a notch and show how blues dancing lends itself naturally to power play, and enhance your connection to your partner by tapping into roles of lead and follow. This is an interactive workshop, so bring comfy shoes (or socks!) that you can dance and spin in! **Individuals with limited mobility may find this class challenging. Please email Bianca with questions.
Asking for it: Finding your words for better, sexier communication in the bedroom
We've been tongue-tied in the bedroom for too long. "Asking For It" helps us break down the cultural code of silence around sex and practice talking about what turns us on, makes us wet, and gets us off. Come explore your own difficulties in asking for what you want, and learn creative, sometimes silly, but always empowering ways of communicating with your partners about sex.
Got the Blues: Dancing, Depression, and Getting Your Sexy Back
When life is overwhelming, exhausting, and frustrating, music can helps us get back to a better place physically and mentally. We’ll use blues music and improvisational partner dancing to dig back into our bodies and find the moves that make us feel sexy and strong. No partner required. If you could use more movement in your life, regardless of mobility issues or dance experience, this class is for you.
Get Your Flirt On
“But I have NO IDEA how to flirt!” Like so many other sexual skills, flirting is something we were supposed to “figure out” as we grew up. But for many of us, flirting has never felt natural or comfortable. In this workshop, Bianca will help you uncover your own personal flirting style and find the language to play to your strengths when talking to that cute person across the room. Learn surprisingly simple rules of thumb like “Context Counts” and “Emphasize Awesomeness.” Come open and ready to mingle, so that you can put your new-found skills to practice!
Making Safer Sex Sexy
Barriers are not a bore! Whether condoms, dental dams, saran wrap, or opera-length nitrile gloves, safer sex can be hot for you and your partner(s). We’ll take this conversation far beyond feeling safe about your sexual health to uncover just how sexy using barriers can truly be. And there will be plenty of supplies for you to stock up and practice your new-found sexy tricks, both in the classroom and at home.
Communicating My Switch or “So You Wanna Do this Kink Thing”
BDSM: even the letters sound intimidating. But with 50 Shades of Gray in every bookstore and a leather paddle in every local sex shop, maybe kink is starting to seem more and more like your kind of thing. This class will give an overview of the BDSM landscape—what you might want to try and where to learn it—as well as some tips for articulating those desires to the special someone in your life.
Hey! Listen! Self-Advocacy at the Doctor's Office
Whether it's pap smears or STI tests, pregnancy planning or birth control, there's a lot you need to know, and your doctor may not know how to tell you. How can you advocate for yourself as a trans, kinky, or poly person in a medical system that does not cater to marginalized identities and lifestyles? Sex educator and healthcare consultant Bianca Palmisano hosts this workshop to give you tips on navigating the complicated and sometimes uncomfortable conversations you need to have with your doctor about sexual health. Come with your questions for an honest conversation about taking care of your body.
Pop My Cherry: Deconstructing Virginity (Ages 13-19 recommended, available for adult groups)
What even is virginity, and where did it comes from? It’s long past time to clean up some outdated myths about “first times,” “what counts,” and how to “pop your cherry.” Sex educator Bianca Palmisano will guide you through a brief history of the concept of virginity, then give you the chance to deconstruct the idea for yourself.
Dating Violence Prevention (Ages 15-24 recommended)
This essential class helps graduating seniors and incoming college freshman recognize the signs of dating violence, both within their own relationships and in those around them. We’ll talk about the bystander effect and how difficult (but important!) it can be to intervene when you see an abusive relationship. But the class will also take a positive approach and talk about how young people can model Non-Abusive Relationships, by making open and honest communication the default with their partners and setting the standard for others to do the same.
Making Consent Sexy (this is a modified version of “Asking for It” designed primarily for ages 15-22)
“Yes means yes” sounds simple, but what does it look like in practice? Sex educator Bianca Palmisano will lead an interactive discussion on how to make active and enthusiastic consent the foundation of your sex life with tips for keeping communication sexy and exciting.
Healthy Relationships (All ages)
Do you know what a healthy relationship looks like? From Modern Family to Twilight, pop culture gives us some awful examples of how to “do” dating, relationships, and sex. Some of our favorite “TV couples,” and maybe even the people in our real life, are modeling really dysfunctional relationships! This workshop gives us the tools to look at our own relationships with a critical eye, articulating what we really need to feel safe and satisfied. We’ll talk about red flags for dysfunction or abuse, as well as strategies for ensuring that our relationships stay healthy over the long term.
Yes and Then Some: Consent 2.0 (All Ages)
Voluntary, ongoing, and enthusiastic? Check. But what does consent look like when you hit the road bumps? In this workshop, we’ll talk about how to model consent when it comes to the complicated stuff: saying no, negotiating conflicting desires, accepting a rejection, exploring BDSM, and negotiating sex after you or a partner has experienced sexual assault. This workshop will be a safe space for those difficult and often emotional conversations.
Bringing Feminism Into the Bedroom:
What qualifies as "feminist sexuality?" Bringing Feminism into the Bedroom is a workshop that promotes unapologetic acceptance of ourselves as sexual beings, where we can talk about how to use feminism as a tool for navigating desires that can seem oppressive. If you’ve ever been told you “shouldn’t want that kind of sex,” whether it’s humiliation, power play, consensual non-consent, or race play, this class is for you. Together we’ll take a look at the history of the feminist movement, it’s intersections with sexuality, and how we, as feminists, can “do sex" as ethically as possible: by holding up a mirror to the power dynamics we want to play with and embracing the erotic potential of a historically complex and subversive movement.
Fighting Rape Culture with Sex Education
How do we begin to dismantle a system of oppression that devalues consent and encourages sexual violence? This interactive session is an opportunity for community brainstorm around the pervasive issue of rape culture in modern society. In particular, we’ll focus on the importance of sex education as a framework and a language for better discussions around the intersections of communication, desire, and socialized violence. Neither facilitator nor audience has all the answers, but this workshop creates a space for sharing of best practices about how to bring more people into the conversation.