
Sexual Assault Awareness Month

It’s Sexual Assault Awareness Month and we NEED to be talking about the toll that sexual violence takes on our country: emotionally, physically, economically, and socially. Look around: if you can’t name someone in your personal network who has experienced sexual violence, it’s because they don’t feel safe telling you. This is an epidemic, and we are all responsible for fighting it. #SAAM 30 Alarming Statistics That Show The Reality Of Sexual Violence In America Every 98 seconds someone in…

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Nosy Parents Mean Fewer Teens Get STI Tests

What’s this? We need to trust young people and give them the privacy and freedom to access reproductive healthcare? Who knew that would improve STI infection rates! Privacy Concerns Prevent Some Youth from Getting STD Tests One of every eight sexually experienced teenagers and young adults on their parents’ health insurance plan said they would not seek out sexual or reproductive healthcare advice because their parents might find out, CDC researchers found. Overall, 12.7% of these adolescents ages 15-17 and…

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Why A Small MD Town Freaked Out About Sex Ed

A Sex Educator Offered to Teach Free Classes at Maryland Libraries… and Conservatives Freaked Out A couple of months ago, sex educator Bianca Palmisano decided to give back to her community. Instead of just helping healthcare providers understand issues relating to sexual health, she offered a handful of free classes at local libraries in southern Maryland. Soooooo….this happened. I’ll be providing my own statement on the issue soon, but for now, I’m thankful that The Friendly Atheist wanted to give…

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Can a 3-D printed model of the organ change views on female sexuality?

H/t to Heather McPherson of the Southwest Sexual Health Alliance, who also creates these great teaching tools! The Still-Misunderstood Shape of the Clitoris The clitoris really isn’t that confusing. Or it shouldn’t be, anyway. Nonetheless, acknowledging the shape, size, or even existence of this essential body part has not always been par for the course-even in the medical profession. As a 2005 report from the American Urological Association puts it, “the anatomy of the clitoris has not been stable with…

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We’re in the news! But it’s not pretty.

Sex education class a no-go in Southern Maryland Southern Marylanders are divided about the controversial topic of sex education. Several local public libraries had initially planned to host sexual education classes, but strong opposition from residents about the sex educator and her motives forced the libraries to cancel the events. Unfortunately, opponents of comprehensive sex ed have triumphed in Southern Maryland, causing our classes in St. Mary’s and Charles County to be cancelled. Are you frustrated? We sure are. But…

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Planned Parenthood is for Men Too!

Planned Parenthood Defunding Wouldn’t Just Impact Women: 8 Men Speak Out “We provide sexual and reproductive health care for men, vasectomy services in some of our health centers, help with premature ejaculation – a whole range of services for our male patients,” says Reagan McDonald-Mosley, MD, Planned Parenthood for America’s chief medical officer. “They rely on us for that care.”

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Provider Spotlight: Emma Kupferman

Emma Kupferman has always been the person her friends come to with questions about sex. “I think it’s because nothing embarrasses me, people know nothing is off-limits. I believe people can do whatever they want with their bodies, as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone.” Now she’s using her unflappable nature and more than a decade of experience in clinical social work to tackle a new challenge: sex therapy. Emma is the newest employee at Freed Bodyworks, a holistic health center…

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