
Intimate Health Consulting Goes to Cleveland!

Sometimes a few free work days means it’s time for an old-fashioned road trip and a little networking in a new city. This time around: I stopped by Cleveland, OH to visit my good friend, Eugenia, who is in med school at Case Western. She is probably my oldest friend at this point, and we are both loud, ice-cream obsessed goobers.   One of the amazing things that Case Western has to offer is a museum exhibit dedicated to the…

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Yes We Can, Maryland: Sex Ed In St. Mary’s County

Despite the best efforts of conservative, anti- sex ed advocates, it happened! We came, we educated, we ate pizza, and we had a great time. On May 21st, the wonderful people at Washington Area Secular Humanists (the Southern MD chapter is known as SMASH) brought me down to Lexington Park library to teach my Straight Talk Sex Ed for Teens class, which had been cancelled due to public and county-level pressure this March. And verily, it was awesome. The effort…

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Are We Connected On LinkedIn?

Are you a healthcare professional seeking advice on how to better care for your patients? Do you have a lot of questions but don’t know exactly what you need yet? That’s ok! I’m offering FREE 30 minute consultations to anyone that thinks they might need support in this area. You can email me at bianca@intimatehealthconsulting.com OR connect with me on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/biancapalmisano/

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Intimate Health Consulting is profiled in The Establishment!

Intimate Health Consulting takes center stage in this article by Case Quinlan in The Establishment about the need for culturally competent, sensitive care for LGBT people, sex workers, and survivors of sexual assault. “In a webinar released last October, Palmisano, who identifies as queer, explained how pleasure-centered sex education can reduce HIV, STIs, and unplanned pregnancies. In the webinar, she first encourages health care providers to drop their assumptions — about how many partners and encounters is “appropriate,” for example — and to move…

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I’m teaching at Q Toys in Austin!

Join me June 4th for a fun, interactive sex ed workshop for anyone age 18+ at my favorite feminist sex shop in Austin, Q Toys! We live in a world where our perceived gender defines so many expectations about the way we dress, act, and live. But what happens when we turn it all upside down? Gender play allows us to redefine and subvert our rigid understanding of gender and create new rules that make us feel sexy and empowered.…

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Join us April 26th!

Intimate Health Consulting is hosing an Entrepreneur party on April 26th to celebrate the hard work of solopreneurs, teams, and side-hustlers around the DMV (visitors and supporters welcome!). Please bring a dish to share and enjoy any part of the afternoon with us. DC Entrepreneur Victory Lap Picnic You’ve been working HARD to bring your dream business to life. And we think you deserve some recognition! Join us on the 26th for a celebration picnic in Rock Creek Park Gazebo…

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The Small Town Sex Ed Tour That Wasn’t

By now, most of you are passingly familiar with the saga that is the Small Town Sex Ed Tour. In brief: I was scheduled to teach several free sex ed workshops at libraries in St. Mary’s, Charles, and Queen Anne’s Counties. And people. lost. their. shit. I don’t feel the need to defend myself against most of the accusations that opponents have lobbed at me. In fact, plenty of the colorful ones are true. heading into #Pride on a high after…

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